
Clases de Teoría musical en Hoyo De Manzanares

Encuentra tu profe de teoría musical ideal en Hoyo De Manzanares.
Las clases de teoría musical se imparten a domicilio o en casa del profesor.

1 profesor particular de teoría musical en Hoyo De Manzanares

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1 profesor particular de teoría musical en Hoyo De Manzanares

Violonchelo · Teoría musical
Hi! I’m Paloma, I’m a film and videogame music composer, pianist and violist. I give classes for Music Language, Music theory, Harmony, and Composition from Classical to Film, piano and viola. My students are any age, any level from beginner to advanced. I will help with exams, GCSE and A-Levels, as well as helping students obtain their grade 5 theory to be able to advance to take higher grades in composition or viola. I started teaching when I was 17 years old. While I was studying viola and composition I would help colleagues learn Harmonic Theory for University exams or just for fun. Whilst studying, in order to support my learning abroad, I started teaching children and teenagers. The classes included a wide variety, from; supporting their studies during the school year, to their first approaches to music as well as nurturing love and excitement for playing and making music. After University I continued giving classes during the last few years. The compositional strand of training if a student wishes to undergo it has many elements we will learn the theory needed to competently make music learn systems that allow us to break down composition as well as multiple genres. work they can do by themselves at their own pace, allowing each student to work and grow at a rate suited to their ability. -Building a strong understanding of melodies and chords and how different instruments work and support each other. -If they are studying in a formal educational establishment, they will receive support and guidance in regard to their work and exams. When I am giving classes in music language, viola, piano... to children, I always try that the classes will be dynamic but at the same time incorporate a little bit of Theory. I utilised exercises that are designed to engage young developmental minds, like those you’d find on a children’s show. For example, singing, playing... songs allows us to train the ears and help them to begin to recognise the different registers, notes, rhythms and tempo. This was done alongside training on their chosen instruments, my aim was and is to nurture a language of music as well as give them practical skills and exercises they can do on their own. I play the piano and viola, so I always try to support them. When it comes to classes for teenagers I teach them theory and practice as well as strong fundamentals but I also allow time to let them lead their learning to give them more agency, allow them to learn their favourite /contemporary songs. This keeps the passion for music alive. With teenagers, my approach centres on elevating and reinforcing what they learn from school using exercises and providing tools to break down ideas musically. In addition, I also prepare for GCSE and A-levels. Lessons will follow a path of progression, teaching them how to approach the next levels of theoretical and practical competence. Allowing the students to understand their Progression and their path forward increases the likelihood they will continue studying. Lessons are flexible, and curated on a student-to-student basis as well as making sure to incorporate what I believe they need to achieve the next level. This involves; practical music training, ear training, building on theoretical knowledge, as well as learning songs they love to ensure they feel fulfilled and have fun with music.
Viola · Teoría musical · Piano
Clases de Ukelele: Descubra el Poder de este Versátil Instrumento Bienvenido a mis clases de ukelele, donde le brindaré las habilidades necesarias para dominar este instrumento alegre y de fácil aprendizaje. En apenas unas sesiones, usted podrá aprender a tocar acordes, rasgueos y melodías sencillas, desarrollando una nueva y gratificante habilidad musical. El ukelele es un instrumento único, con un sonido cálido y agradable que cautiva a audiencias de todas las edades. Además de ser portátil y fácil de transportar, su tamaño compacto lo hace ideal para acompañar sus actividades en cualquier lugar. A través de un enfoque paso a paso, le enseñaré técnicas de postura, digitación y ritmo, adaptadas a su nivel de experiencia. Aprenderá a leer tablatura y partituras, lo que le permitirá interpretar una amplia variedad de estilos musicales, desde clásicos populares hasta temas contemporáneos. Más allá de las habilidades técnicas, mis clases de ukelele también se enfocarán en desarrollar su creatividad y confianza en sí mismo. Descubrirá cómo este instrumento puede ser un medio de expresión personal, permitiéndole liberar el estrés y encontrar la alegría en la música. Ya sea que sea un principiante absoluto o tenga experiencia previa, mis clases de ukelele están diseñadas para adaptarse a sus necesidades individuales. Juntos, trabajaremos para que alcance sus metas musicales y disfrute plenamente de este maravilloso instrumento. ¿Está listo para emprender un emocionante viaje musical con el ukelele? ¡Inscríbase hoy y déjeme guiarlo hacia el camino del dominio de este instrumento!
Música infantil · Teoría musical · Ukulele
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Nuestros estudiantes en Hoyo De Manzanares evalúan a sus profesores de Teoría musical.

Para garantizar la calidad de nuestros profesores de Teoría musical, hemos pedido la opinión de nuestros estudiantes en Hoyo De Manzanares.
Sólo se publican las reseñas de estudiantes y están garantizadas por Apprentus. Calificado con 4.7 de 5 basado en 15 comentarios.

Aprende a Cantar desde cero y pulir tu técnica vocal !! (Guadalajara)
Jose de
José es muy buen profesor, explica muy bien y además cuenta cosas muy interesantes.
Comentario de MARILIN